• In other Bauza news, his website lists two other forthcoming releases: La Grande Evasion from Les XII Singes in 2014 and Sinbad from the publisher pair of Matagot and Repos Production in 2015. La Grande Evasion is apparently a revision or rethemed version of a previously published game — since Bauza noted on his site in May 2014 that Samurai Spirit would be his "only new game for the year 2014" — and I'm waiting to hear more about this title from the publisher.
As for Sinbad, this design has been in the works since at least 2010, with the game at that time being a co-operative design for 3-6 players set in the world of 1001 Nights. Here's a shot of Bauza teaching the prototype at the Strategicon convention in 2012:
• The Thomas Odenhoven game Die Dolmengötter, release by eggertspiele in 2005, will be headed to crowdfunding site Spieleschmiede for a new edition, according to the German publisher.
• As noted on Opinionated Gamers, Italian publisher VentoNuovo Games has an agreement with printer manufacturer HP to release a full printable version of its World War I historical wargame series titled 1914: The World at War free to those with an HP web-connected printer. The series is available through HP as of June 28, 2014. Not sure why this agreement would have come about and how HP might view the p&p market, but if you're interested in the games in this series — 1914: Germany at War and 1914: Austria-Hungary at War — then have at it.
• IDW Games has picked up Henrik and Åse Berg's Rattus Cartus, first published in 2012 by White Goblin Games, for release in the U.S. in September 2014.
• Gary Kim's sequel of sorts to Koryŏ — Chosŏn, also from publisher Moonster Games — now has French and English rules posted on Moonster's website, with the game scheduled to debut at Spiel 2014 in October, with a November 2014 release in the U.S.