Aside from that, the big elements of the game design are the desire to have everyone involved in every turn – which is why opponents can complete tasks using the active player's newly rolled dice – and the desire to make Würfel Bohnanza not simply a dice/puzzle game. He writes: "Many dice games are about the exact fulfillment of a task. For me, a dice game is attractive only if the task is not clearly defined." Specifically, a player might be confronted with a roll that completes a more difficult task while an easier one is yet to be completed. Does he gamble on getting the dice needed for that easier task while risking no progress at all if he fails?
• U.S. publisher Mayfair Games has an introductory game coming for its Empire Builder line in May 2012. Here's the description of Empire Express:
The base game provides pre-programmed routes on a board depicting a north-eastern portion of the U.S. with demand cards providing players with an easy way to learn the system through play. Players start with the bare bones of a railroad: an empty train and track connecting some cities. Each turn you and your fellow players take turns building track, operating trains, and delivering loads. The bank will pay you for each delivered load.
With the starting route guided by the board, only two loads per card, and a visual pick-up and delivery guide on every card, the learning curve is greatly shortened.
• German publisher Pegasus Spiele has let loose a list of upcoming releases for 2012, including German-language versions of Mage Knight, Mutant Meeples, Pictomania, Eminent Domain, City Tycoon, Thunderstone Advance, Panic Station and Monty Python Fluxx.
In partnership with Gerhards Spiel und Design, Pegasus is releasing a line of wooden games, starting with a new version of Frank Stack's Zoom, previously released by both HiKu Spiele and Gerhards. Zoom will include a play variant, possibly TriHop, which is also by Stack and was paired with Zoom in the Gerhards release. Other titles forthcoming in this series are Puzzle of Oz, Avverso and Sia Doble.
Mondo Sapiens, a spin-offy sequel of sorts to Michael Schacht's Mondo, uses similar game play with players simultaneously laying down tiles to populate their individual player boards with people, buildings and roads.
• Tric Trac reports that Repos Production has licensed Sandwich – a card game in which you try to make the least disgusting, nay, the most appetizing sandwiches possible – from Le Joueur for a new edition of the game in late 2012.
• U.S. publisher North Star Games will expand its Wits & Wagers family in 2012 with the release of Wits & Wagers Party. More details beyond the strange appearance of Elvis on the game cover soonish.