• In John Kovalic's Double Feature, due out in June 2014 from Cryptozoic Entertainment, players are presented with two cards that feature items from different categories — Character, Genre, Location, Production, Prop, Scene, Setting, and Theme — and must name films that include both items.
• Alliance Game Distributors is giving a May 2014 restock date for Cryptozoic's two Adventure Time: Card Wars boxed sets — Finn vs. Jake and BMO vs. Lady Rainicorn — which blew through stores like a summer storm when they first appeared in February 2014. Before those arrive, however, the Adventure Time: Card Wars – For The Glory! booster packs — which require one of the base sets to play — will be released on April 23, 2014.
• Along the same lines, WizKids Games has preemptively announced a restock of Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs X-Men before the game has even hit the market on its announced date of April 23, 2014. From the announcement: "Due to the high demand for more inventory, we are pleased to announce that we are reprinting Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs X-Men. This Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers vs X-Men restock will be available in May-June 2014..." (This BGG thread notes that online retailer Cool Stuff Inc. "will be receiving less than 10% of [its] total order" for MDM:AvX starter sets.) What's more, the WizKids announcement follows up with news of what's next in the game series:
• Alliance lists a May 2014 release date for
• James Ernest notes in a newsletter from Cheapass Games that he's working on a card game version of his 2002 release Captain Park's Imaginary Polar Expedition. Those curious about the game that was can download a print-and-play version from the Cheapass Games website.