I know nothing more about this game other than what I wrote above, but apparently I took the picture at right while at Spielwarenmesse 2019 and created the placeholder listing in the BGG database linked to above, then forgot about all of it until I was searching through new KOSMOS titles in 2019 to tag Ubongo 3-D Family as being released. I used to feel that I had a decent handle on everything already released and forthcoming, but nowadays I think that I forget more than I retain because it's impossible to track it all in your head. I'm sure that more new titles await discovery in my photo directory or stacks of press materials from Nürnberg, Cannes, and NYC...
• Following up on an old note to myself: In 2019, German publisher Feuerland Spiele will release a worker placement game from newcomer Carsten Lauber titled Crystal Palace. German site Brettspielbox wrote up an overview of the sprawling game in 2017 when the prototype, then known as "London 1851", appeared at the Ratinger Spieletage event in April 2017.
• In an August 2018 interview on Wuerfelmagier.de, Feuerland's Frank Heeren also mentions that 2019 will bring a "special" game from Maximilian Thiel about a mafia war in Sicily in the 1980s. Says Heeren, "This is a very exciting mixture of a strategy game and a conflict game and is a bit different than what we've done so far."
• Benjamin Schwer's Crown of Emara, which was released by Pegasus Spiele at SPIEL '18 and which seemed to sink beneath the waves almost immediately despite good initial feedback from early adopters, will be released in the U.S. in July 2019 according to editor/developer Ralph Bruhn. Perhaps the game will catch a second wave at the time, especially since Bruhn will be at Gen Con 2019 in August to help introduce it to others.
Bruhn has been editing games since at least 2009, when he launched Hall Games with At the Gates of Loyang. He has also edited Aquasphere, Istanbul, Luna, and The Oracle of Delphi among other titles, so if you're a fan of his work and plan to be at Gen Con 2019, maybe you can bring him a special "Welcome to the U.S." treat in the Pegasus booth as this will be his first trip to the United States!
• Speaking of Gen Con, each year Alderac Entertainment Group hosts its Big Game Night event, a multi-hour game fest in which hundreds of people discover new games all at the same time, with those games sometimes hitting the retail market later and sometimes never appearing in print again.
One of the new titles that AEG will have at Big Game Night 2019 is Point Salad from designers Molly Johnson, Robert Melvin, and Shawn Stankewich. In this 2-6 player game, you draft double-sided cards that show a veggie on one side and one of more than a hundred scoring combinations on the other. Once the draft ends, you score for all the scoring combos that you collected based on the veggies in your salad.
Point Salad has a U.S. retail release of Sept. 6, 2019 — one month after Gen Con 2019 — and to find out more about the game, you can watch this overview that BGG recorded at GAMA Trade Show 2019 just one week ago: