Meanwhile, the water floods in quickly and the risk of drowning is very high. Each saved passenger grants victory points, and the player with the highest score wins.
• SchilMil Games is a new publisher located in New Zealand that's debuting with two titles: Komodo and Raid the Pantry. Raid the Pantry is another take on the "collect ingredients to complete dishes" school of card games, while Komodo tasks players with building new habitats for Australasian animals imperilled by an incoming asteroid. Yikes! Here's a description of game play:
Komodo can be played competitively in both basic or strategic mode. In the former, wild cards are obtained randomly; in the latter, players can choose their wild cards. Actions permitted by a wild card include: releasing animals to free up their terrain; bartering or stealing terrain tiles; remodeling tiles already placed; and forcing an exchange of animals.
In the cooperative version of Komodo, all 32 animals must be housed and each player must place at least one animal during her turn. The game is played open-handed, and the wild cards hinder the players.
-----– Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! (second edition) - September 2012
-----– 1775: Rebellion, game #2 in Academy's "Birth of America" series - November 2012
-----– Conflict of Heroes: Guadalcanal - December 2012
-----– Gettysburg: The Bloody Crossroads - March 2013
Also, Eickert notes that as of May 19, 2012, all orders for Academy Games titles will be processed and fulfilled by PSI (Publisher Services, Inc.) instead of FRED Distribution.
• In the crowd-sourcing category this time, we have Piotr Burzykowski, founder of the Polish publisher LocWorks, who is trying to raise funds in order to publish a new version of Tory Niemann's Alien Frontiers with materials in eight languages – Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish – and the Latin-based name Alien Frontiers: Aurora. Sounds crazy, right?
Since LocWorks is not a U.S. company, Burzykowski has turned to Ulule.com for its fund-raising efforts, which has the not-so-incidental benefit of being able to present the same page in multiple languages – just the thing for when you're trying to attract potential buyers from all over the world. For those who already own Alien Frontiers, Burzykowski offers you the option of adding pink or grey bits to your game – or even 25 metal dice in the four basic colors. For background on the project, you can check out Burzykowski's BGG blog. (Ulule.com link)