After the tile placement, a player may occupy a room in the temple with his archeologist if no other occupied room of the same color is in the same chain of rooms. If the chain is closed (no loose ends in the chain of rooms), archeologists come back to the players and players score 1 point for each archeologist they receive. The game ends when somebody reaches 15 points, and the player who has the most points wins.
• Second editions of both Axis & Allies: Pacific 1940 and Axis & Allies: Europe 1940 from Wizards of the Coast's Avalon Hill division have a U.S. street date of September 18, 2012.
• Bandai will release another expansion/stand-alone game in its Resident Evil Deck Building Game series in September 2012. Here's a short description:
Your character will learn from those failures and successes as you continue to play, using that experience to activate the Skills they have to give them an edge in battle.
Mercenaries also introduces three different Mansions with three different challenges. Will you face the unruly Ganados horde, the creepy Illuminados, or the onslaught of Majini? Each Mansion attacks the player in a different way, leaving a multitude of combinations for ultimate replay value!
• Eagle Games has released a Baltimore & Ohio Expansion Set that consists of the four mini-expansions previously released by Winsome Games. This expansion is free if purchased with the base game and $15 otherwise.
• U.S. publisher Steve Jackson Games has released the Munchkin Conan core game as well as a reprint of the Illuminati: Bavarian Fire Drill expansion; a reprint of Illuminati: Y2K is also imminent. SJG has also posted two updates on the forthcoming humongous edition of Ogre, including this shelf of full-sized constructed prototypes: