• Designer/publisher Elad Goldsteen has released details of his next intended release through his Golden Egg Games: a trick-taking-ish game titled Alliances. Here's an overview:
Alliances includes three different games in one box:
-----• For 2 players, a basic introduction game.
-----• For 3 players, a game in which one player plays a superpower empire each turn with the other two players fighting him off as rebels.
-----• For 4 players, the full game experience, with you and your ally fighting to control the world!
• In an August 2012 newsletter, Travis Worthington at Indie Boards and Cards mentions two future releases from the publisher: "One is the long awaited sequel for The Resistance, taking The Resistance franchise to where it hasn't been before – the past. The other is our first game from a previously published designer; I'll be willing to take anyone's bet that you have heard of him before and I am very excited about this new game." He mentions that both games will be available for previewing at Gen Con 2012.
-----• Play all of the cards in your hand as quickly as possible.
-----• Win tricks with clubs in them.
To play a round, deal out all of the cards. The player with the 1 of hearts leads with a hand of cards; legal hands include any singleton, pair, 3-of-a-kind, or 4-of-a-kind, and any run of 2 or more cards. Players can either pass or follow with a similar hand of higher rank. When all of the players have passed consecutively, the pile is taken by the person who played last. That player continues play with the next lead.
Players score bonus points for playing all of their cards:
-----• 1st out: 15 bonus points + points for clubs
-----• 2nd out: 10 bonus points + points for clubs
-----• 3rd out: 7 bonus points + points for clubs
-----• 4th out: 5 bonus points + points for clubs
-----• 5th out: 3 bonus points + points for clubs
The last player out for the round does not get bonus points and does not receive points for any clubs he may have taken. The points for clubs varies from 5 points (for the 1 of clubs) to 1 point (for the 10-15 of clubs). The first player to 100 points wins the game.