• Upper Deck also plans to release an expansion for Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game before the end of 2015.
• In early April 2015, I asked Upper Deck for clarification of when new content for Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game that appears in packs of Marvel 3D collectible cards — such as cards for Deadpool, Man-Thing and Howard the Duck — will be available in another format, but have not received a response. Just wanted to let you know that I did ask...
• Neuroshima Hex! Uranopolis is the first new expansion that Portal Games has released for Neuroshima Hex! in the U.S. since regaining the English-language rights to the game, and in a press release announcing this expansion Portal Games notes that "fans of Neuroshima Hex! should expect at least three more expansions" in 2015.
• Ludonaute is working on an expansion for Christophe Raimbault's Colt Express for release at Spiel 2015 in October, with this expansion containing prisoners and a new train car, hostages and a stagecoach, horses so that you can ride next to the train, and a more active role for the Marshall, with one player competing against everyone else.
• Ludonaute also plans to publish a new game about the Little Prince by Antoine Bauza and Bruno Cathala, designers of that other game about the Little Prince from Ludonaute: The Little Prince: Make Me a Planet. This new game, due out in mid-to-late 2015 coincides with a new animated feature film of Le Petit Prince, and this time players will leave the planets behind to go on a journey to the stars.