The "initial" offering in the Pirates of the Spanish Main: Shuffling the Deck line comes from designer Bryan Kinsella and Phil Harding, with Harding having previously published his own designs as Adventureland Games and apparently being one of the winners of WizKids "search for the next great game designer" contest (BGG News item). Also from the press release:
• Ghenos Games' Lupin the Third, which debuted at Spiel 2011, will be available in U.S. retail stores through normal distribution channels in April 2012 as an imported item. (HT: Alliance Game Distributors)
• Just months after the release for Ascension: Storm of Souls, Gary Games plans to release another Ascension set: Ascension: Immortal Heroes, with this set building on the themes and completing the story arc of Storm of Souls. (Ascension has story arcs? Clearly I've overlooked something.) From an ICv2 post about the new set: "Ascension: Immortal Heroes provides players with all new 'Soul Gem' cards providing them with another weapon to use to thwart Kythis' evil plans to enslave the souls of heroes from the first war." Oh, that story arc. Immortal Heroes, due out Q3 2012, can also be integrated with other Ascension sets or played on its own.
• The Thunderstone Advance: Avatars mini-expansion that was given away during prerelease events in early March, as covered in this BGG News item, goes on sale on the Alderac website on March 19 should you have slept in that day and missed the prerelease.
• Scott Hill of Flying Frog Productions has unveiled the cover of A Touch of Evil: The Coast, due out Q3 2012 – with Gen Con 2012 presumably being the release target. And what's in this box? Four new heroes and four new villains, new Town Elders, a full-sized game board, new cards with new Locations to explore, and new mysteries to be solved.
Other titles coming from Flying Frog are Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak (Q3 2012), A Touch of Evil: Hero Pack 2 (also Q3 2012), and Conquest of Planet Earth: Apocalypse (Q4 2012 – picture on Facebook)
• Tasty Minstrel Games is teasing its upcoming Kickstarter campaign for David Short's Ground Floor with a short description of how the game has changed over time, a first look at the artwork, and reasons why you should sign up for TMG's special Ground Floor mailing list.
• While I was at New York Toy Fair in February 2012, Bryan Bornmueller of Fantasy Flight Games gave me a brief run-down of the Star Wars: X-Wing core set and while I didn't learn anything that isn't already known, I did get a look at the models and current box design – but I couldn't take pictures as the design was not yet cleared for public consumption. Well, either standards are looser in Germany or someone at TricTrac used a hidden button camera to obtain one shot of the X-Wing core set at Nürnberg 2012.