Because you can make combos with lots of features on historical cards and you can score in various ways, Patchistory will give you another new exciting play every time it hits the table.
• As a weird stretch goal for its Kickstarer campaign for New Amsterdam, U.S. publisher Pandasaurus Games will import a small number of copies ("less than 500") of Henrik and Åse Berg's Rattus Cartus, with those copies being available to KS backers for an additional $40 pledge. Will the game reach U.S. stores as well? Due to the small number of copies being imported, Pandasaurus notes in its newsletter that "availability in retail chains will be extremely limited as this is far less than any other game we've brought over".
• An attendee of the Paris est Ludique game fair in June 2013 has posted a pair of images (with preliminary artwork) of Pearl Games' Bruxelles 1893. Not much info about the game itself beyond it being "a worker placement game, with elements of bidding and majority control", but we still have a few months before the game's debut at Spiel 2013. All in good time...
• In June 2013, U.S. publisher Geotoys released a U.S.-specific version of Martin Nedergaard Andersen's Flag Frenzy! titled – wait for it – Flag Frenzy USA.
Flag Frenzy USA consists of 49 flag cards and 10 region cards (two each of West, South, Northeast, Midwest and Islands); each flag card shows eight state flags, and any two flag cards have exactly one flag in common, similar to the cards in Catch the Match and Spot It!
Game play differs from those titles, however, as two cards are placed face-up on the table at the start of play while the remainder of the deck is distributed evenly among the players. All players take two cards in hand, then everyone simultaneously tries to play onto the face-up cards by spotting the matching flag and giving its state's name when playing the card. With a region card, the player has to name a flag in the region being played.
After playing one or two cards, the player refills her hand. The first player to play all of the cards in her deck wins.