• In addition to having copies of Gold Ahoy! and Johari for sale at Gen Con 2014 (assuming everything arrives in time), Lookout Games will be demoing two releases it has planned for Spiel 2014: Uwe Rosenberg's two-player game Patchwork and Inka and Markus Brand's Murano for 2-4 players. I'm waiting for more info about the games from Lookout, but I'd hazard a guess that Patchwork is the final name for Zoolook, which I described in a February 2014 BGGN post as "a two-player, puzzle-style game with a time track".
• Hans im Glück has announced the next title in Klaus-Jürgen Wrede's "Carcassonne: Around the World" — Carcassonne: Goldrausch. No details about the gameplay or in how many languages this game will appear, but expect more details long before this title is released in October 2014.
• Terra Nova Games has announced that Dan Manfredini's Far Space Foundry for release in 2015 following demos at Gen Con in August 2014 and BGG.CON in November 2014 with a Kickstarter campaign taking place at some point. Here's an overview of what you're founding in this game:
The gameplay in Far Space Foundry occurs in two distinct halves: Space Foundry Alpha and Space Foundry Beta.
At Space Foundry Alpha, you mine skyrite (blue crystals) and rubion (red ore) and process the two to make galactium (purple metal). On your turn, you play a card that allows you to either land a shuttle on a docking bay or take off from one. The shuttle will transport raw materials either from the asteroid or to your freighters. Each docking bay has a special ability if activated that turn, like ore processing or galactic traders. At this foundry, you must also build a fleet of freighters to haul your items. To do this, you must visit the cantina to recruit help from various alien captains (with unique abilities). Once everyone has played all of their cards, it's time to head off to a new board...
At Space Foundry Beta, you take all of your acquired materials and transport them down to the station. There the robots will use that material to make various products of varying worth. Besides manufacturing, you may also upgrade your freighters or charge up your existing products for more points. Once the freighters are filled back up again, it's time to transport the items to their final destination for final scoring!