• Canadian publisher Filosofia Édition has announced that it will release a French version of Seiji Kanai's Love Letter. It's not clear whether this edition will use the AEG graphics, the Japon Brand graphics, or something else entirely.
• Alliance Game Distributors is importing FryxGames' Space Station and Brawling Barons for sale in the U.S. and expects to have the titles available in November 2012.
• In a November 2012 Facebook post, Moonster Games' Emmanuel Beltrando notes that while visiting Seoul, Korea he signed a "Gary Kim" card game for release at Spiel 2013 as well as the next three releases from GOSU designer Kim Satô, including the previously announced RYŪ, which currently has a June 2013 release date. Okay, not much info here beyond the teasing, but I need to leave bread crumbs for future Spiels and this seems the best way in which to do so, while informing you all at the same time.
• Along the same lines Cocktail Games has been posting images from Ici Londres, a game it plans to release June 18, 2013. No idea what the game is about, but the artwork by Laure Mascarello has a winsome, mid-20th century teen lit vibe. In addition to a few character portraits, such as the one below, she's posted a round-up shot of tiny images from Ici Londres. Can you build a game from the components?
• One forthcoming game I've failed to mention in this space is the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game from Mike Selinker and Paizo Publishing. (You might blame this oversight on my determination to scour artist's blogs in search of clues about forthcoming games, but instead I'll point out that the news was announced a few days prior to Spiel, when I was near blind and frothing from info overload.) In any case, here's a brief description of the game, which Paizo intends to debut at Gen Con 2013 in August:
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is an expandable game, with the first set containing 400+ cards and being based on the Rise of the Runelords adventure path. The Base Set supports 1 to 4 players; a 110-card add-on deck will expand the number of players to 5 or 6 and add more character options for any number of players. The game will be expanded with bimonthly 110-card adventure decks.
On the Paizo blog, Selinker has posted about his goals for the design. An excerpt: