In this co-operative game for 2-6 players, everyone plays simultaneously, attempting to deliver as many goods as possible, with the color of a goods cube indicating its destination city. Players control one or more cities, and goods can be moved to neighboring cities only on trains run by personnel. To do this, you pick up and physically hand the train to your neighbor, ideally not dropping anything in the process. Personnel can't move more than one stop from their city, so the receiving player needs to swap in their personnel or move goods to a train in their city.
Everything happens in real time, and you have a lot to track all over the place. Game time is ten minutes total after set-up.
• German publisher Frosted Games is stepping up the number of titles it's releasing in 2019, with Andreas Odendahl's Cooper Island being targeted for a SPIEL '19 release. Here's an overview of this 1-4 player game:
The special thing about Cooper Island is the way the players mark their victory points. They take small ship markers around the island to show their progress. On their way around the island, they find smaller islands on shore that grant valuable benefits. After six rounds, a game of Cooper Island ends and the player who developed the best and went on furthest with their ships will win.
• Another 2010 release seeing new life is De Vulgari Eloquentia from Mario Papini and Giochix.it, with this title having a revised, deluxe edition going through crowdfunding in 2019. Here's an overview of the gameplay:
In De Vulgari Eloquentia, players have to do their part in the creation of this new language! But who will provide them the proper knowledge to understand the manuscripts in the different dialects? Who will successfully uncover the secrets of the books inside the Papal Library? Who will embrace the religious life, and who will remain a merchant? Some of the players can become a famous banker, someone else can climb the church's hierarchy to be the next Pope! But in the end, who will be the most appreciated and respected for their status and culture?
The aim of the game is to obtain more Volgare points. The players gain VP from reading manuscripts and looking for important documents like the Canticle of the Sun or "The Riddle from Verona". Players can also gain VP by improving their social status, for example, if the merchant becomes a banker or the Friar becomes a Benedictine Monk or the Cardinal becomes Camerlengo or Pope. Moreover, VP can be gotten with money and with the support of Politicians, Noblemen, Abbesses, and the Amanuensis.