• Colby Dauch of Plaid Hat Games has updated the game listing for Mr. Bistro's Dungeon Run, detailing the game's setting and adding pics of the game's new look. Dungeon Run is scheduled for an August 2011 release.
• Martin Wallace's Ankh-Morpork gets an early showing at Club Tremme before being available for play at, um, PLAY, an annual convention in Modena, Italy. Andrea Ligabue will preview Ankh-Morpork on BGG News in the near future following multiple playings at PLAY.
• Speaking of Martin Wallace, one new item that has popped onto the list of new and newish titles to look for at UK Games Expo 2011 in June is an expansion board for Age of Industry, specifically a double-sided game board with Japan on one side and Minnesota on the other. As Wallace noted on BGG in December 2010, "Both maps will have little twists on the original rules."
• Fantasy Flight Games has unveiled its June 2011 release schedule, but rather than provide more details in this post, I'll instead link to all the game listings because, yes, they are already all live in the database:
—A Game of Thrones: The Card Game - The Isle of Ravens
—Arkham Horror: The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh (Revised Edition)
—Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game - That Which Consumes
—Chaos in the Old World: The Horned Rat
—Dust Tactics: Light Assault Walker
—Dust Tactics: Light Panzer Walker
—Dust Tactics: Operation "SeeLöwe!"
—The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - Conflict at the Carrock
—Twilight Imperium: Shards of the Throne
—Warhammer: Invasion – Legends
—Warhammer: Invasion – The Eclipse of Hope
• Pegasus Spiele has released the rules for Stefan Feld's Strasbourg in English and German.
• Steve Jackson Games updates what might be include in its forthcoming giant box of Ogre.
• Designer Frederic Moyersoen has posted a pic from his next game to be released, Cherokee, a card game for 2-4 players. No, wait, now he's posted two more.
• Alliance Game Distributors is listing Paris Connection (Queen Games) as an April 2011 release and Queen's Lancaster, Mammut Jäger and Thebes Card Game as May 2011 releases.
• One other upcoming release with little info available on the game, this time for May 2011, is Deadlands: Invasion of Slaughter Gulch from Twilight Creations.