X-Men: Mutant Revolution is a head-to-head battle for the future of mutantkind in which 2-4 players play as Wolverine, Cyclops, Magneto, or Storm, leading their individual schools with unique powers and abilities and recruiting heroes and students in order to train them and send them on missions to spread their vision for mutants to the world. The game will include four character miniatures with the HeroClix dial technology.
• Designer Nigel Pyne says that his card game oddball Aeronauts has picked up U.S. distribution from GTS Distribution and PHD Distribution, so the title should be available in U.S. stores.
• In February 2015, Bezier Games will release a bonus pack for both One Night Ultimate Werewolf and One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak titled, appropriately enough, One Night Ultimate Werewolf: Bonus Pack 1, with this mini-expansion containing three new roles, three new artifacts, and three alternative artwork cards for use with either of the games.
• F2Z Entertainment has announced a new edition of Richard James' Lords of Scotland for release in Q2 2015, with Z-Man Games releasing an English-language version and Filosofia Édition releasing one in French.
• We'll close with this image of a new version of Reiner Knizia's Tigris & Euphrates from Fantasy Flight Games. FFG has posted no information other than the cover image in its press section, so I have no details about a release date, what's on the game board, what the components might be like, which alternate rules may or may not be included, and so on. I poked FFG for details about both this title and the "Euro Classics" line hinted at by the logo in the lower left, but received a "no comment" comment in response as apparently this image was not yet supposed to be in the press folders at this point.
Perhaps the Asmodee/FFG deal announced on Nov. 17, 2014 will affect the make-up of this "Euro Classics" line. As noted in the linked BGG News post, FFG CEO Christian T. Petersen said at the time, "You'll probably see a few suitable games from FFG's catalog find their way to other publishers in the Asmodee Group, and vice versa." We shall see...