They are not willing to negotiate.
The expansion introduces several new additions to the base game, such as Rare Technologies, Developments, Alliances, Ancient Homeworlds and Warp Portals. There are also three new player boards with four new different alien species to choose from. New components allow up to nine players in one session.
Due to the modular design, you can use all of these additions or just some of them in any game of Eclipse, according to your preferences and play style.
The Ancients are rising. Will your civilization rise to the occasion and emerge victorious?
• As of June 15, 2012, Small World Realms is available for purchase in Europe. The expansion's U.S. street date is July 3, 2012.
• U.S. publisher Koplow Games is releasing the Left Center Right Card Game in the near future. What's new with this release? Very very little according to this description:
• Asmodee has released a print-and-play expansion for Cathala and Laget's Mundus Novus titled Vers de Nouveaux Horizons ("Towards New Horizons"). As you might guess from the title, this expansion is currently available only in French. For rules and downloadable cards, click on the link above. (Then translate everything and submit a new game entry in the BGG database!)
• I had mentioned just the other day that semi-cooperative games – those with everybody losing or one player winning – seemed to be on the rise, and now U.S. publisher Privateer Press has announced LEVEL 7 [ESCAPE] for release in September 2012. Here's a game overview:
You are a captive of Subterra Bravo, imprisoned in the facility's deepest laboratory, the hall of nightmares known as LEVEL 7. Your singular goal is to escape, but to do that you will have to evade the human and inhuman denizens of this subterranean labyrinth before the entire base is locked down, sealing you in for the rest of your short, tormented life. Will you work together with your fellow prisoners to overcome Subterra Bravo's endless perils, or will you use them to secure your own escape? Ultimately, your chances of survival will depend on how well you manage your greatest weapon, which is also your greatest threat: fear itself.
LEVEL 7 [ESCAPE] is a semi-cooperative, story-driven survival-horror board game for 1–4 players with nerves of steel and a willingness to confront the impossible.