Finally, Z-Man has unveiled the cover for Matt Leacock and Tom Lehmann's Pandemic: In the Lab expansion, due out in the second half of 2013. (Update, April 12, 2013: Z-Man has now put a firm date on Pandemic: In the Lab, announcing that it will debut at Gen Con 2013 in August.)
• French publisher Libellud has posted a preview shot of two of the ten enchantment cards from the Seasons: Enchanted Kingdom expansion. Each enchantment card twists the basic elements of the game in some way. The card on the left, for example, provides players with an extra crystal each time that they transmute during the game. (The card is always active, as noted by the lemniscate above the iconography.) The card on the right has far more text on it, and my French is rusty, but I think it has something to do with paddling your right-hand neighbor when he takes the die you want. Now that's enchanting!
Alas, no, the card actually affects the set-up prior to play – thus, the 0 on top – with each player receiving 18 cards, then choosing nine of those cards to serve as his starting hand, after which players draft power cards in the usual manner. At least I think that's what it says. Paddling might be in there somewhere and I'm just overlooking it.
• Dutch designer/publisher Corné van Moorsel releases a few titles each year through his company Cwali, and games like Floriado, Gipsy King and Mondriaan 2020 are good examples of one side of his design work: no-luck, highly tactical designs with a random set-up in which you're trying to look further ahead than the other player(s) to see all the play possibilities open to you and outthink them to make sure that everything in the game falls your way. (Well, maybe not everything, but enough so that you end up on top.)
Leelawadee is another example of this type of design, with van Moorsel planning to bring the game to the German crowdfunding site Spieleschmiede in April or May 2013. As is sometimes the case, the components for this Cwali release are handmade and more charming than they have any right to be. As for the game, here's a description of how to play:
The game lasts five rounds, and in each round players take turns removing flowers from the supply and planting them in their garden. These flowers attract butterflies, and having butterflies in your garden brings you points at the end of each round; butterflies score one point at the end of round one, two points in round two, etc., with the butterflies that attract in the current round earning you twice as many points. Leelawadee includes ten butterflies, five matching the colors of the flowers and five two-color combinations. All butterflies prefer fresh flowers, so creating a flower patch equal in size to an opponent's garden is enough to lure the butterfly from that other garden to yours. Who will be the best gardener?