• In other Thunderstone news, AEG has partnered with Zabu Studio "to bring their best-selling Thunderstone franchise to the Facebook, iOS, and Android platforms". From the press release:
• Valley Games tweets that it's picked up WarTime by designer Joshua Tempkin after first seeing the game at the World Boardgaming Championships in 2010. No other details now.
• In 2012, Spiral Galaxy Games will release a board game called Bronze, based on the computer game of the same name. Here's a description of that computer game from its publisher, Shrapnel Games:
• Dice Hate Me's Chris Kirkman has posted more artwork and a develoment update for Princes of the Dragon Throne from Clever Mojo Games.
• The designers of "Oh My God! There's An Axe In My Head." The Game of International Diplomacy – Chris Adams and David Fooden – have reclaimed rights to the game after Bucephalus Games sat on the title (and many other designs) for a couple of years with no sign of the game actually moving toward publication. Adams and Fooden subsequently founded their own publishing company, Game Company No. 3 and have a Kickstarter project underway to finally bring OMGTAAIMH to print.
• Mayfair Games has announced – re-announced? – a Q4 2011 release date for the second edition of Nippon Rails, which includes a puzzle-cut map game board, a modern box instead of ye olde tube, and rules for 2-3 players with a variant allowing for play with up to six.
• Steve Jackson notes that the uber-fancy sixth edition of Ogre won't be out until 2012 at the earliest.