The Warlord is a master of the art of War, trained in both the War and Earth schools of magic. Strong soldiers bend to his every wish, goblin minions build siege towers and manufacture devastating demolitions, and his retinue of legendary warriors follow him wherever he goes. The Warlord is first and foremost a commander of troops. He summons humanoid soldiers to do his bidding, then calls upon the power of Akiro, God of War, to give his troops favor in battle.
• Gale Force Nine, which will soon have its Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery in print in seven languages, has announced an expansion for this game due out Q1 2013. Here's an overview of Spartacus: The Serpents and the Wolf:
Two new Houses – the respected praetor, Varinius and the arrogant noble, Seppius – dramatically change the game's Intrigues. Varinius imposes his will on the noble Houses, while the meddling Seppius twists the plots of others to his own nefarious ends. Shrewd new Schemes and frantic Reactions will cause more treacherous assaults and desperate alliances between the Houses than ever before!
Houses bid for new Slaves who add to the fortunes of their Dominus with new skills and talents. Combatants learn new brutal fighting techniques as new weapons and armor become available. Powerful new Gladiators stand among the other champions of Capua, ready to make their mark in the arena and earn glory and Influence for their Dominus.
Teams of Gladiators battle each other in a grand spectacle of blood and strategy with the addition of the Primus. Two Gladiators are matched against another team of two. Bitter rivals may find themselves fighting side-by-side, seeking favor and reward during these brutal contests. While most Gladiators battle with honor and purpose, beware treacherous fighters who many turn on their teammate when the opportunity arises!
• Fantasy Flight Games plans to release a new version of Intrigo, first released by Hazgaard Editions in 2010, under the name Masques. In this design, from Charles Chevallier, Catherine Dumas and Pascal Pelemans, players are trying to win political power for their family by positioning representatives from their family and other competing families at a masquerade ball in Venice. In more detail:
Each of the rooms of the Doge's palace offer tokens representing a guild's favor or valuable ducats to be won by ambitious nobles. The spaces between each card that represents a room in the palace are the hallways of the Doge's estate – the areas in which guest cards are placed to compete for adjacent resources.