New Game Round-up: More Nightfall and a Trip to Oz

New Game Round-up: More Nightfall and a Trip to Oz
Board Game: Nightfall: Martial Law
As always, be careful what you read today...

• Tim Buckley, creator of the Ctrl+Alt+Del comic, has announced that attendees to Digital Overload 2011 (held May 27-29 in Baltimore, MD, USA) will be able to sign up for beta tests of the Ctrl+Alt+Del board game that he's been developing. A short description from Buckley: "It's a dungeon-crawl type game with a strong cooperative/selfish attitude to the playstyle. If you've ever played any Munchkin game, you've got an idea of the sort of mentality the game is going for." (HT: Sean Johnson)

Alderac Entertainment Group has announced Nightfall: Martial Law, the first expansion for its deck-building game Nightfall (released in March 2011). Nightfall: Martial Law, which is also a standalone game, is due out July 2011.

Martin Wallace has posted rules (PDF) for A Few Acres of Snow, due out April 2011 from his Treefrog Games.

• Final rules (PDF) for Seth Jaffee's Eminent Domain have been posted on the Tasty Minstrel Games website.

Emanuele Ornella's card game Oz is due out April 2011 from Ystari Games. French site Jeux sur un Plateau has posted details of the game beyond what's listed on the BGG game page and includes additional images.

• April Fool's Day alert: Moonster Games announced a new version of Full Métal Planète for December 2011.

• Similarly (and more obviously), Steve Jackson Games has announced Munchkin ___________, the Munchkin game with 168 blank cards that you can customize as you like. What a bargain!

• Recent game releases in the U.S. include Lords of Scotland, The Heavens of Olympus and Anima Card Game: Twilight Of The Gods.


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Links: Your Brain Is Tricky, Making Black Vienna Work & More

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