Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport also includes new Lords, new Buildings, and materials for a sixth player.
In this game, one player represents Batman, and the other player has command of twenty members of Batman's rogues gallery, with each villain having abilities exclusive to that character. When Batman and a villain occupy the same space on the board, epic battles ensue as Batman utilizes his Utility Belt and Combat cards and risks retaliation from each villain. The player controlling the Arkham inmates earns victory points by helping the villains escape Arkham, while the Batman player gains points by apprehending his rivals before they make it out of the city, as well as by saving iconic allies by utilizing special gadgets from his utility belt. The first player to earn ten victory points wins!
The third title is Sebastian Bleasdale and Richard Breese's Keyflower, over which people were going gaga at Spiel and BGG.CON. Breese produced three thousand copies of the game – far more than he has done for previous titles in the Key-series of games – yet he still sold out quickly. Breese has noted on BGG that he is "currently planning to publish a second edition which I hope will be in the US by early February". In its press announcement, Gigamic notes that Keyflower will be a multilingual version with Gigamic providing the French rules; it expects the game to be available in early 2013.
• At Spiel 2012, Pegasus Spiele was giving away the Village: Customers expansion in exchange for a €5 donation to the Albert Schweizer Kinderdorf e.V. Now for the 2012 holiday season, Pegasus has dropped those extra customers into the base game and promised to donate €1 per box sold to that same organization.
• Bradley L'Herrou at Sovereign Games has released free rules for Army Dudes, a thirty-minute tactical game playable with the little green army men that you or your children might have scattered about the toy room. Can we have a game that uses silverware next?
• Under the category of "not new but new enough", in its Nov. 16, 2012 Illuminator note, Phil Reed at Steve Jackson Games writes that its latest shipment of Zombie Dice – 20,000 copies! – "came and went in a single day" with more copies not due to arrive until Q2 2013. Gamers may mock simple designs, but at least to some segment of the game-playing audience those simple designs are also fun and addictive...