Building on the foundations of the Talisman system, Relic is an adventure game in which seemingly straightforward choices mask scores of possibilities. For those who haven't played the classic fantasy adventure game Talisman, this means that on each turn, a player rolls a single six-sided die before moving his playing piece that number of spaces clockwise or counter-clockwise around the region (outer, middle, or inner) of the board it currently occupies. That player then draws a card or cards to see what he's encountered, pitting his heroic persona against foul enemies, dangerous locations, and fantastic strangers. And all the while, these intrepid heroes rise in power, as they work their way toward the ultimate goal at the center of the board.
• I've updated the description of King of Tokyo: Power Up!, in addition to uploading the final cover, and the species info suggests future possibilities down the road:
A player can reveal and play an Evolution card at any time. Some Evolutions are temporary, allowing a one-time bonus, while others are Permanent, such as Gigazaur's "Tail Sweep", which allows him to change one die to a 1 or 2 each turn. Each Evolution card also identifies whether a monster is a Mutant, Invader or Robot, and while not relevant for Power Up!, this species identification could come into play in future expansions.
The rules contain a few variants: Players start with a random Evolution in play, or draw two cards and choose the one they want, or draft a set of Evolutions prior to the start of play. However you play, the goal of the game remains the same: Score 20 points or be the last monster standing amid the rubble of what was once Tokyo.
• More from Atlas: In August 2012, the U.S. publisher will release Murder of Crows, a small card game from Thomas Denmark and Eduardo Baraf. Here's a description of game play:
• M – Misplace: Take one card from a player's murder – that is, his collection of cards on the table – and add it to your hand.
• U – Uncover: All players reveal their hands and you take any one card and add it to your hand.
• R – Reap: Draw one additional card.
• D – Drain: Choose one letter. All players discard one of those letters from play, if possible.
• E – Expel: Everyone discards their hand and draws three new cards.
When an opponent's card would affect you, you can discard a card of matching crow power – as indicated in the top left corner of the card – to be immune from the action.