An alternative set of combat cards in which each unit now has separate Strength and Health values is provided for more tactical battles. With these new cards, a battle's winner is determined by comparing the total health minus the wounds of each side, plus any combat bonuses. Even if you can't completely kill a unit, damaging it will still have an effect on future turns.
Wisdom and Warfare also provides the rules for a new city action, "Starting a Building Program", which is a power-up for when that city produces something. This expansion also includes Social Policies that civilizations can adopt, such as "Rationalism" and "Organized Religion", and these policies offer options and provide bonuses for long-term planning.
• Designer Richard James of Evertide Games has released information about Goblins: Alternate Realities, which will head to Kickstarter for funding before the end of May 2013. Here's an overview of the game's setting:
In Goblins: Alternate Realities, you direct a party of characters from the world of Goblins through a series of encounters and challenges to fulfill the individual quests of each of your characters. In each game, each player begins with a different combination of characters in his party and a different deck full of actions that he can perform with his characters. Throughout the game, you have the opportunity to form alliances between your characters and the characters in other parties to claim treasure, gain experience, and fulfill your quests – or if it suits your ends, you can oppose a party and your characters can challenge your enemies to battles of strength, wit, or charm.