• In the department of "addressing a rumor but not really solving it" department, I present the following: German online retailer Milan Spiele has posted an order page for Dominion: Die Gilden, with Hans im Glück listed as the publisher. Dominion: Die Gilden would, of course, be the German name for the final expansion in Donald X. Vaccarino's Dominion series of games: Dominion: The Guilds, which was announced in a January 2012 newsletter (PDF) from Rio Grande Games with a Q2 2013 release date. Mik Svellov posted about the German game in the Dominion forum on BGG, then Vaccarino (responding to someone else) wrote: "...I suspect it will turn out to be an error on the part of a distributor or something. The OP says 'Hans im Gluck'. Last we heard they were not making Guilds." (For details on HiG's split from RGG, head to this BGGN post from June 2012.)
Why would Hans im Glück not release the final expansion in the extremely popular Dominion series? Well, it's not because the publisher doesn't want to. I contacted HiG's Moritz Brunnhofer, and he noted that Hans im Glück has ordered Dominion: The Guilds from RGG and is awaiting the files. Says Brunnhofer, "So it is planned from our side. What will be done is also in the hands of RGG."
• Sebastian Wenzel at Zuspieler.de has posted 25 images from the German edition of Catan: Explorers & Pirates, the fourth big expansion for Klaus Teuber's The Settlers of Catan, which is due out March 4, 2013 in Germany (from Kosmos) and April 18 in the U.S. (from Mayfair Games).
• U.S. publisher Fantasy Flight Games will co-publish the revised edition of Letters from Whitechapel with Sir Chester Cobblepot, with the game being solicited for an April 2013 release.
• New publisher Mercury Games has opened preorders for its first release – Mark Klassen's Quarantine – for those living in the U.S. or in Canada with a free First Aid expansion serving as a preorder bonus.
• Schmidt Spiele, which distributes titles from German publisher Hans im Glück, lists a March 18, 2013 release date for Stefan Feld's Brügge when previously I had listed an April 2013 release date on the game page. It's a Feld logjam in the first quarter of 2013...