• Spanish publisher nestorgames has released two new titles since mid-November 2013, one of those being Stephan Miksch's Dakapo, a two-player abstract strategy game in which players take turns placing tokens — colored red, blue, green and yellow — on an 8x8 playing area under these restrictions: A player can't place a token the same color as the one previously placed and can't place a token orthogonally adjacent to another token of the same color. If you place a token so that you complete a square of four tokens of the same color, you win.
• The other title from nestorgames is Ricky Wilkins' Mentis, first released as a print-and-play in 2010. Here's a summary of gameplay:
• Deploy — Place 1-3 pieces in a stack orthogonally adjacent to your king's hill in a square not adjacent to an opponent's piece. You can place on an empty square or one holding your pieces, but you can't create a stack more than three pieces high.
• Move — Move pieces orthogonally 1-3 spaces depending on the type of piece on top of the stack. You can drop off and pick up pieces as you move as long as you obey the three piece limit.
• Capture — Use the top piece of your stack to capture an opponent's piece, but only if that piece is exactly the right distance (1-3 spaces) from the capturing piece and isn't of a type immune to attack from the capturing piece.
• Did you know that Russia has its own crowdfunding site called Boomstarter? No? Well it does, and here's the game section should you care to peruse it for hidden treasure. Мазайцы, for example, in which you try to rescue hares from the water, looks charming. I'll save you, little bunny-wunnies!!
One project completed in December 2013 (with more than 300,000 rubles collected on a 50,000 ruble/$1,500 goal) was Rightgames' Эволюция: Случайные Мутации (''Evolution: Random Mutations''), a standalone game that reuses some elements and properties of the original Evolution: The Origin of Species game and its expansions, while putting them together in a new way. Here's a description of gameplay:
In the climate phase that follows, the first player lays out colored cubes to represent how much food is available in this round (red chips), how many refugees are present (green chips), and how many parasites appeared (black chips). Players then distribute chips, placing red and green chips on their own creatures to support them and placing black chips on opponents' creatures or on predators that want to feed on their animals. During the extinction phase that follows, unfed animals die as do animals attacked by parasites or predators.
Players then get a new deck of cards and the game continues with a new round. When the deck runs out and the final round ends, players scores two points for each of their living animals, one point for each property, and any bonuses from card combinations. Whoever has bred the most successful species in a constantly changing and dangerous world wins!
• Designer/publisher Ryan Laukat of Red Raven Games has dropped details on City of Iron: Experts and Engines, which he describes as the "first expansion for City of Iron" and which has estimates will be released Q3 2014. An overview:
City of Iron: Experts and Engines includes new, unique citizen and military cards for each nation which open up a new range of strategies and make playing each nation a distinct experience. It also includes Steambot tokens, which can be placed on building cards to give extra goods. Another addition is the Kraxian Pirates token, which can be placed to negate coin bonuses on goods.