In the racing game, the object is speed: Which team can complete the course fastest — while making sure you don’t crash!
In the golf game, the object is precision: How many strokes does the team need to take to reach the hole? Traps await everywhere!
In the treasure hunt game, players must collect as many gems as possible in a given time. Who can amass the most valuable treasure?
Mag-O-Mag includes cooperative game variations and special rules for two-player games.
• Rio Grande Games plans to release a second edition of the Dominion Big Box in January 2017 — conveniently titled Dominion Big Box II — with this item containing the second edition versions of both Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue, along with enough base cards to allow for up to six players in a game at the same time.
• A second edition of Vital Lacerda's CO₂ will be released in 2017 from original publisher Giochix.it, with this edition featuring "completely new iconography, an entirely new rulebook with lots of 3D pictures for easy comprehension of the rules, more balanced gameplay, a new events deck, improved and streamlined mechanisms, upgraded wood components for the power plants instead of the cardboard tokens" as well as a shorter playing time, a cooperative mode of play, and solitaire play based on goals. As for a U.S. release, Stephen Buonocore of Stronghold Games has said that he "hopes to bring this great game back into print", which makes it sound uncertain, but I think Stephen is simply trying to maintain an air of mystery.
• In Q1 2017, Alderac Entertainment Group plans to release Destination Fun Combo Pack, which contains expansions for the three titles in its Destination Fun series: Trains, Planes, and Automobiles. Here's a summary of what those expansions are:
Planes: Round Trip features two new boards, providing more airports to explore. An entire deck of new playing cards allows players to experience the game with new actions and goals. New planes tokens gives players more options to customize airport boards with endless variety.
Automobiles: Racing Season includes three new race tracks, including two that are tighter for two-player games. New garage, pit, handling, performance, and engine cards offer more options for customizing your race car. Season campaign rules allows players to race a series of tracks to determine an overall winner, complete with unique driver skills and wealthy sponsors.