Turns out that I missed the announcement of another crossover item coming from WizKids — Attack Wing: Dungeons & Dragons, this being a game built on the FlightPath system used in FFG's Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game and WizKids' own Star Trek: Attack Wing, but with players now controlling dogfighting dragons instead of spaceships. WizKids plans to launch its Dungeons & Dragons miniatures line at Gen Con 2014 in August since Wizards of the Coast plans its relaunch of the D&D RPG for that same convention, and it will likely show off Attack Wing: Dungeons & Dragons at the same time, although the game's release date is October 1, 2014.
As with the other FlightPath series, Attack Wing: Dungeons & Dragons will launch with a wave of releases, namely a starter set (MSRP $40) that includes three pre-painted dragons (along with maneuver dials, upgrade cards and tokens) and eight expansion packs (MSRP $15), each with its own pre-painted miniature and additional components. As a WizKids rep noted on Reddit, "Our initial release will support the first D&D storyline arc from Wizards of the Coast. We haven't started development on the second set yet." That storyline arc is titled "Tyranny of Dragons", and WizKids' miniatures line also features characters from this storyline. As noted on ICv2, "Some of the same figures will actually be used in both games, debuting at different points in time, sometimes in one line, sometimes in the other."
Unfortunately, this will not be the last time that I miss a game announcement.
• Italian publisher Red Glove plans to release Vudù on the world in April 2014, courtesy of designers Francesco Giovo and Marco Valtriani:
In Vudù, the players act as the most wicked and malicious sorcerers of all time, and they want to use their curses and black magic to make the lives of their enemies impossible to prevail over them! Each turn, you roll five dice, collect your ingredients, then choose whether to take new cards, take new items, or cast a spell. Each spell has a powerful and tricky curse attached to it that forces your target to play in a specific way, for example, talking with his tongue out for the rest of the game, or using only a single hand, or running around the table each turn. Each curse grants you points when you cast it and many more points if your target forgets to obey it or becomes too exhausted to continue. Collect as many malediction points as you can to reach the final tile of the scoreboard before anyone else!
• Traditionally U.S. publisher Twilight Creations and zombies go hand-in-hand, but that's not the case with Jupiter Rescue from designer Mark Major, a title he first released through The Game Crafter in 2013 under the name Jupiter Deep. (Major told me, "There are some minor changes [between the two releases], but not enough to call it a different game.") Here's an overview of the game, which is due out in April 2014:
Jupiter Rescue is a co-operative strategy game in which players work together to escort 28 colonists to an escape pod before they're converted into alien creeps. Each turn, players may take five actions, choosing from common options — moving themselves, moving nearby colonists, or killing alien creeps — and a series of programming cards that grant them special abilities. These cards can be played on the player's turn to activate the ability. Each player also gets to choose one card to be his "core" ability, letting him use it every turn instead of discarding it.
New creeps are added to the board, which is composed of tiles, at the end of each player's turn by rolling a die; if a tile fills up with creeps, it's destroyed and removed from the game. Players lose if enough colonists get turned into creeps, or if certain key board tiles are all destroyed. Double-sided tiles allow for hundreds of station variations.