• Portal Publishing's Ignacy Trzewiczek tweeted the following on February 6, 2012: "During Nurmberg fair our secret project got revealed - since many months I work on Robinson Crusoe board game. It'll be really epic game."
• In other Portal news, and something I've regrettably overlooked until now, in March 2012 the first Army Pack – called Steel Police – will be released for Neuroshima HEX!. Steel Police comes from NH designer Michał Oracz, and Trzewiczek has blogged on BGG about his worries for that Army Pack's balance against other armies and how he finally came to acceptance of the Pack as is.
• Designer Alain Epron, who created a stir at Spiel 2011 with the unforgiving Vanuatu, has released info on the next release from his own Krok Nik Douil Editions. Here's a short description of Massilia from the game page on BGG:
In Massilia, each player will be able to use different colored dice to perform actions. There are four different colors corresponding to four different actions. On his turn, a player can choose a die and perform the corresponding action: Buy goods at the port, move a client or the consul on the market, make offerings to divinities to recover bonuses (cards), and buy reputation. The value of the die shows the number of times that the action may be made. The goal is to obtain the highest reputation at the end of the day by setting up stalls on the market to sell goods at the best price that the player will have bought in port.