• German publisher AMIGO Spiel plans to start releasing some of its own games in the U.S. before the end of 2013 instead of attempting to find co-publishers for the titles as it's done in the past. How do I know this? Because Stephen Conway, co-host of The Spiel podcast, was hired by AMIGO to create promotional videos for the five games first coming to the U.S. market: Clack!, Mish Mash (a.k.a. Kuddelmuddel, Finger Twist (a.k.a. RinglDing), Speed Cups, and ye olde classic Halli Galli, all of which are quick-playing games designed by Haim Shafir. You can check out Conway's hands and voice in the five tutorial videos available on AMIGO's YouTube page.
• Designer Jeffrey D. Allers notes on BGG that he's working on an expansion for Nieuw Amsterdam, stating that original publisher "White Goblin Games is interested in developing a large expansion for the game, and I've had the pleasure of revisiting the design and brainstorming all sorts of new options while strengthening some of the existing mechanisms." He's already sending prototypes of the expansion to certain game groups, and he's soliciting suggestions in the thread above.
• Speaking of White Goblin, designer/publisher Néstor Romeral Andrés of nestorgames notes on Facebook that he's signed four agreements with the Dutch publisher. No details yet on which titles are forthcoming, but he notes that the "first two [are] coming soon".
• In case Hanabi Deluxe was too deluxe for your wallet but you still wanted some kind of upgraded Hanabi experience, in November 2013 German publisher ABACUSSPIELE released Hanabi Extra, an enlarged version of Antoine Bauza's Spiel des Jahres-winning card game with larger cards (12 x 8 cm instead of 8.7 x 5.6 cm), larger tokens, and five transparent card holders so that you can relax your hands during play and not accidentally reveal your hand to yourself when you stop to answer the doorbell. The curse of habit!