I recall Breese giving me an overview of this game at, I believe, Spiel 2012, and it's amazing to see it coming over the horizon. Breese hasn't produced many titles in twenty years, but everything he has produced has been top notch.
• Are you ready for more Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers? For a game title that will consume every space imaginable in your viewing field? Then prepare for Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers – Battle for Zendikar Board Game Expansion Pack, which was teased at PAX Prime at the end of August 2015. This expansion, due out in January 2016 with a $20 MSRP, introduces two new planeswalkers to the game — Ob Nixilis, Demon of Spite, and Kiora, the Rising Tide — along with spells and squads for them. Lots of pics are available on GatheringMagic.com.
• Renegade Game Studios has signed a co-publishing deal with Knapsack Games, with Renegade having demoed Knapsack's Knee Jerk at Gen Con 2015 and overseeing its entrance into U.S. distribution in August 2015. Renegade will also demo and oversee distribution of Apotheca, which was Kickstarted in mid-2015 and is due out in Q3 2016.
• Along similar lines, Ultra PRO acquired Jolly Roger Games in July 2015. In a post about the acquisition on a Kickstarter update for 13 Days, JRG's says that the company effectively becomes Ultra PRO's "new line of board and card games".
• In the category of "I missed it at the time" comes the July 2015 announcement from Mōdiphiüs Entertainment of a series of licensed games featuring Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter, whose adventures I passed over many times in the Poughkeepsie, NY used book store that I frequented for most of my SF/fantasy reading materials. For now three items are in the offing for this John Carter universe:
—John Carter: The Roleplaying Game, due out in Dec. 2015: "Explore the wonders of Barsoom from the vast deserts to the ancient cities. Discover the forgotten secrets of a world that was old when life first spawned in the oceans of Earth. Play as pilots, warriors, scientists, or one of the terrifying green Tharks. Create you own Barsoom adventures or take on the great journeys as John Carter himself along side Dejah Thoris, Kantos Kan, Xodar, Tars Tarkas, Thuvia of Ptarth, Carthoris of Helium or any of the other major heroes and heroines of Barsoom."
—John Carter: Swords of Mars, due Q2 2016: "A line of collectible miniatures for use with the roleplaying game brings your adventures to the battlefield. Play small skirmishes or fight a war for the dying planet-scalable rules provide for both. Defend ruins against a horde of Tharks, raid the city of Helium to capture the Princess, or take your battle airborne with the Red Martian navies."
—John Carter: Warlord of Mars – The Board Game, due Q3 2016: "Enact the greatest adventures across the ancient world of Barsoom as you lead your heroes through crumbling ruins and take to the skies in the beautiful ships of the Helium Navy. Can you save Barsoom from ruin at the hands of dastardly scientists or ancient forces?"