Italian gaming site Gioconomicon published an illustrated overview of the game in both English and Italian in September 2016, but here's the summary for those who want it:
The Hunt for the Ring is a hidden movement game played in two chapters, with each chapter being played on a different game board. In the first chapter, the Frodo player attempts to move from the Shire to Bree, gaining corruption points if they fail to do so after sixteen turns. If the Frodo player succeeds, they can either record their exit point (and other game details) to play the second chapter at a later time, or they can continue immediately, with the second chapter having the Frodo player move from Bree to Rivendell. In this chapter, the Frodo player doesn't control the hobbits directly, but instead draws cards from a journey deck, with each card showing one of many paths to Rivendell.
• Heidelberger Spieleverlag will release A. J. Porfirio's Hostage Negotiator in German in Q1 2017 under the title Der Unterhändler.
• Game agent Kevin Kim says that Happy Baobab's Fold-it — a real-time game in which players try to fold a cloth to recreate the menu shown on a card revealed at the start of the round — will be released in Czech, Russian, Chinese and Scandinavian versions, and he's been talking to possible licensing partners in the U.S. as well.
• Pegasus Spiele will release German-language versions of the Matagot titles Inis and Captain Sonar in Q2 2017.
• Upper Deck Entertainment has announced plans for the Vs System 2PCG game line for 2017, starting with the release of Vs System 2PCG: Legacy in March 2017, with this being a two hundred card set that includes characters such as Captain Britain, Psylocke, Mister Sinister, Taskmaster, Squirrel Girl, and Elektra, along with revised Thanos main character cards (as shown below) since the original one from The Marvel Battles set was having a negative effect on tournament play.
Over the rest of 2017, UDE plans to release at least three more Vs System 2PCG sets, two based on the Marvel Comics universe (with one of those containing four hundred cards) and one based on a different license.