Antoine Bauza and Ludovic Maublanc are the designers of the first Attack on Titan board game, scheduled for release in 2016 and (as I discovered today) available for demo games during Gen Con 2015. I've scheduled time at the show to record an overview with Bauza, but for now here's a short description of the game from Cryptozoic:
• Fantasy Flight Games' Fury of Dracula has been out of print and selling on the secondhand markets at prices that make one contemplate self-staking. Early in the a.m. U.S. time on July 23, FFG posted the following game page on its website:
That page is no longer present on the FFG site, but speculation is now rampant among some gamers that a new edition of Fury of Dracula will spring to light at Gen Con 2015. (I've asked FFG about this and will update the post when I receive a reply.) Update, July 23: FFG has now announced that this new edition of Fury of Dracula will be released in Q4 2015 and can be demoed at Gen Con 2015.
For those who disdain squinting, here's the text from that page:
This edition features all-new art and graphic design crafted to complement the game's intuitive, thematic mechanics. Rounds are now broken into day and night: hunters take actions during both, but Dracula can only act at night. Combat is now more streamlined and decisive, and new rumor tokens allow Dracula to mislead hunters and extend the terrible reach of his influence. Count Dracula triumphs if he advances his influence track to thirteen; if the hunters can defeat him before then, they save the continent of Europe and win the game.