This fourth edition of the game uses the same artwork and graphics as the third edition released by Fantasy Flight Games in 2015, but in its press material WizKids notes that it will include "a new and improved rule book; larger, poker-sized cards; and fully painted figures for Dracula and each of the Hunters".
Fury of Dracula bears a $60 MSRP and a July 2018 release date.
• Continuing in the category of "everything old is new again" — a constant refrain in this content-hungry market — Renegade Game Studios has announced an August 2018 release date for Gunkimono, a Jeffrey D. Allers design for 2-4 players that reimplements his 2009 tile-laying game Heartland from Pegasus Spiele. Whereas the earlier game presented players with the challenge of farming in the middle of the United States, perhaps an exotic locale of sorts for mainstream German players, the setting of Gunkimono is feudal Japan, and the publisher describes the game as follows:
In Gunkimono, players take on the roles of these daimyo, plotting their military advances across the countryside. Each new squad of troops yields victory points, but you may decide to forgo these points and save up for your stronghold instead. All the while, you need to keep an eye on your opponents so that their forces do not grow too large and expand at your expense.
• Cole Wehrle, co-designer of the 2015 title Pax Pamir from Sierra Madre Games, states that he and his brother Drew plan to publish a deluxe edition of Pax Pamir in 2019, with a Kickstarter for the game in Q3 2018. Notes Wehrle, "It will be a proper new complete edition w/changed rules, art etc." This new edition will contain elements of the Khyber Knives expansion released in 2016, will have no retail release, and cannot be upgraded to from the original release due to many elements of the game changing. Says Wehrle, "The game is also getting another round of development. My hope is to take a lot of what I've learned about usability and accessibly in Root and push the design forward without sanding off the sharp edges."
• Ian Schofield's Ravage: Dungeons of Plunder from Beardy Brothers is a dungeon crawler that you can play in solitaire mode, in co-op mode, or in versus mode with one player controlling the monster and dungeons while everyone else plays an orc from one of four castes: berserker, shaman, cultist, or headhunter.
• Jerry Spatch of Spatch Games Kickstarted Vers: The Rap Game in mid-2017, and now the game has been released. In this party game, players receive a category card (e.g., "taco") and a base card that presents them with three rhyming words (e.g. "collect, reject, perfect"), then everyone freestyles a rap that combines those elements, after which the judge for the round awards whoever they think did the best job.