In any case, just as FFG has passed the English-language publication of Dust Tactics, Dust Warfare and their bajillion expansions on to a different publisher (Battlefront Miniatures in that case), Fantasy Flight has licensed Tide of Iron to an outside company in order for the game to get more attention than it does under the FFG umbrella. In the press release announcing the deal, FFG CEO Christian Petersen said, "Dana Lombardy and Bill Jaffe have been involved with every Tide of Iron product since the first expansion, Days of the Fox, and extending a long-term Tide of Iron master license to their new company, 1A Games, should be an ideal fit. I'm looking forward to where they and the rest of the 1A crew will take the game, and I'm thrilled for the players who should now see a new commitment to move Tide of Iron into an exciting future." For its part, 1A Games details on its website what it aims to achieve for Tide of Iron in its "next wave" of releases:
-----• Insert "Quick Start" scenarios into the base game and expansions that enable new players to learn how to play faster.
-----• Add historical detail where it helps give more of the "feel" of World War Two operations.
-----• Include optional advanced rules to allow for more nuanced tactics.
-----• Print strategy card decks that are more specific to terrain, doctrine, and time periods.
-----• Introduce special division cards to reflect the unique capabilities of famous and legendary divisions.
• In 2013, U.S. publisher USAopoly plans to release versions of both Monopoly and Risk themed on the comic version of The Walking Dead. Here's a description of what's coming in Monopoly: The Walking Dead Survival Edition, due out in September 2013:
• Crpytozoic Entertainment has now provided basic information about The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Deck-Building Game, a standalone game due out June 2013 that can also be combined with the Fellowship of the Ring DBG that Cryptozoic released in mid-April 2013. Not much of a description for now – "In this game, players take on the role of Frodo, Legolas, Aragorn, or one of their brave and heroic allies in the struggle against the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron! While you begin armed only with basic combat maneuvers, you'll add new, more powerful cards to your deck as you go, with the goal of defeating the deadly forces that serve Sauron as you make your way towards Mount Doom." – but I imagine that if you know the Fellowship DBG, you'll know how to play this as well. More details when they're available.
• Phil Walker-Harding's card game Sushi Go! from his own Adventureland Games will hit the U.S. distribution system in June 2013, according to Alliance Game Distributors.
• English rules (PDF) are now available for Mario Barbati's Dungeon Venture from Italian publisher Stratelibri.