There are two ways to become the official Leader and win the game: by accumulating the most Hunt Points or by collecting a certain number of gazelles.
• New U.S. publisher Watchtower Games has announced its debut release: the card and dice game Fallen from designers Tom W. Green, III and Stephen C. Smith. Here's a summary of the gameplay:
The adventure is brought to life through an array of cards and dice. As they explore the dungeon, Story Cards describe the rooms and challenges the Hero will face. When a battle erupts or a trap is sprung, Challenge Dice are rolled to see who is victorious. The adventure culminates in epic battle between the Hero and the Dungeon Lord with only one player left standing.
As with Foragers, Fallen will head to Kickstarter for funding in the near future.
• Maybe this entire post should be pre-Kickstarter reports on new games? For example, new publisher The Infinity Gate plans to launch a Kickstarter project soon for Road/Kill Ultimate Car Combat and in anticipation the publisher has developed a "Kickstarter beta-site", otherwise known as a "website". Here's a game description from the publisher:
Battle cars are easily designed on a template and customized to meet each player’s preference for speed, offense and defense. Once designed, cars are constructed by snapping together a wide variety of parts. You can be ready to play in minutes!
• Okay, time for something along a more traditional publishing path, specifically an update on Star Trek: Attack Wing, which I first covered on BGGN in March 2013. WizKids Games plans to debut this game at the Gen Con game convention in August 2013, and co-designer Andrew Parks has been posting monthly descriptions of game elements on the BGG page, to date covering the shield system, the captains and crew, and how cloaking affects movement. In addition to the starter set, WizKids has announced eight expansion packs:
-----• Federation U.S.S Reliant Expansion Pack
-----• Federation U.S.S. Enterprise Expansion Pack
-----• Romulan I.R.W. Valdore Expansion Pack
-----• Romulan R.I.S. Apnex Expansion Pack
-----• Klingon I.K.S. Gr'oth Expansion Pack
-----• Klingon I.K.S. Negh'var Expansion Pack
-----• Dominion Kraxon Expansion Pack
-----• Dominion Gor Portas Expansion Pack
No details at this point about what's in each expansion pack, but I suspect an absence of banana soufflés in those boxes.
• As for other licenses in its publishing arsenal, WizKids plans to release a "Connect with Pieces" puzzle-building game, a "Shuffling the Deck" card game, and a HeroClix mini-game for two July 2013 film releases, Pacific Rim and The Lone Ranger.