In the challenging deduction board game Loot of Lima, the Island of Cocos has 24 locations: 8 on the shore, 8 in the forest, and 8 in the mountains; the treasure is hidden in two of these locations. The game has a token for each of these locations, and at the start of the game, two tokens as placed back in the box (with these tokens indicating where the treasure is hidden). The rest of the tokens are then passed out evenly to the players; these represent places you have already searched and know where the treasure is not hidden.
Each turn, players roll three 12-sided dice to determine which questions they can ask their opponents. For example, how many locations have you searched between the southeast and the northwest? Or, how many locations in the forest have you searched between the west and the south? Players use the answers to these questions to build overlapping clues, figure out all the locations that have already been searched, and eventually discover which locations haven't been searched (and thus where the treasure is hidden).
• U.S. publisher Genius Games has picked up On the Origin of Species from designers Gerard Ascensi and Ferran Renalias, a title that Mont Taber debuted at SPIEL '19, and it's running a crowdfunding campaign (KS link) for this edition that will be released under its Artana brand in Q2 2020. For info on the game, check out this overview video that BGG recorded at SPIEL '19.
• In mid-2020, Pegasus Spiele will release a German edition of The 7th Continent from designers Ludovic Roudy and Bruno Sautter, with expansions such as The Icy Maze and The Forbidden Sanctuary also being released.
• The Shores of Tripoli is an asymmetric two-player game from Kevin Bertram and new U.S. publisher Fort Circle Games that's due out in Q2 2020 and that confronts you with the following situation:
The Shores of Tripoli tasks two players to recreate this swashbuckling episode from early U.S. history. As the United States, you will pressure Tripolitania and its allies to allow free movement of American commerce or face the consequences. As the Pasha of Tripoli, your aim is to continue the lucrative piracy of the fearsome corsairs while also countering the American threat on land and sea.
The Shores of Tripoli is a low complexity, card-driven game for two players (with solitaire rules).