• Upper Deck Entertainment plans to release Mike Elliott's The Dingo Ate The Baby in March 2017, with this game featuring an RPS-style gameplay. An overview:
Once the total number of cards that have been discarded equals twice the number of players, the round ends. Players score a point for each other player they beat in getting closest to the "round number" without going over; any player that exceeds the "round number" scores no points.
The next round begins with another die roll, and the game continues until a player reaches a predetermined number of points.
• Looney Labs has released a Saffron mini-expansion consisting of one Keeper and three Goals for Firefly Fluxx that is apparently available solely through the publisher's webstore.
• In a change from expectations, Alderac Entertainment Group has announced that for 2016 its "Black Box" release — an item released on "Black Friday", the day following Thanksgiving in the U.S. and Nov. 25 for 2016 — will contain only a single game instead of a compilation of small games and variants. For now AEG has only teased the contents of this item:
We remember.
It was 1993-1995 and it was glorious. For one brief shining moment AEG is going to bring back that unlimited fun.
Batman: The Animated Series – Almost Got 'Im Card Game — a variant on the popular Werewolf-style deduction game inspired by the memorable Batman: The Animated Series episode "Almost Got 'Im" — adds a poker element to the proceedings, requiring participants to craft poker hands to activate their special abilities when the lights go out. Take on the personas of classic Batman baddies in a game in which everyone has something to hide and no one is safe.
With poker hands guiding the action, players have something to talk about. Everyone has an important role. No bystanders in this game! Too often, social deduction games begin with random accusations just to get the ball rolling. Not so here as players can request poker cards from other players and often see which cards other players are taking. Enemies are made when someone takes the card you wanted. Now you have a reason to be suspicious of another player!
The other Hobby World title, due out Q1 2017, is Master of Orion: The Board Game, which is based on the video game series, albeit with a far shorter playing time. In the game players must manage their resources (food, fleet, production) and hand of cards, using the latter to build up a steady income of the former so that you can continue to expand your holdings, attack others, and gain glory. Here's an overview of the game that I recorded after playing an advance copy from Hobby World: