Fallout: Wasteland Warfare includes an entire narrative campaign arc as well as unique random missions with narrative-style objectives, and crew caps recovered in missions can be used to improve the crew's perks, weapons, gear, and upgrades for the next encounter. In either player vs. player or tournament mode, players try to survive the tabletop wasteland.
The game also comes with a customizable solo-play AI deck to control enemies that play to their strengths and replicate a faction's tactics while attempting a narrative mission or perfecting settlement-building strategy. Players can also team up with a friend to defend a larger settlement or explore narrative missions in cooperative games against AI forces or the post-apocalyptic dangers of the wasteland.
• Aron West from Elzra Corp. has passed along a few updates about game availability and future plans. To start, reprints of both Catacombs (third edition) and the Cavern of Soloth expansion should be available "very soon". Second, West will be at Origins 2017 in June, and while he's not exhibiting, we are arranging to demo Catacombs & Castles (on a production copy of the game) and the Catacombs: Wyverns of Wylemuir expansion on camera. Notes West, "I was going to run a Kickstarter campaign for the Wyverns title, but decided to release it directly to retail." Both Wyverns and Catacombs & Castles will be released in German by Schwerkraft-Verlag.
Third, Elzra Corp. no longer uses Impressions for distribution, but instead uses both Alliance and ACD in the U.S., Lion Rampant and Universal in Canada, and Brave New World in Germany, with talks underway for distribution in other European countries as well.
Finally, says West, "We have a number of titles in development, including a card game set in the Catacombs world, an entry-level Catacombs title, and a new dexterity-based game line in conjunction with Jasco Games." Should you want to check out their offerings new and old, Elzra Corp. will have a presence at Gen Con in the Jasco Games booth and at SPIEL 2017 with Schwerkraft-Verlag.
• Designer Tom Lehmann says that the next Roll for the Galaxy expansion will be titled Rivalry — and that's all that he says. No other info for now.
• German publisher franjos will release a new edition of Sid Sackson's Can't Stop in June 2017, with this edition being (I think) its fifth version themed around mountain climbing. And why not given how well the gameplay fits in this setting?