Now, just as a new command team takes control of the ship, a terrible mystery emerges that will threaten the entire mission. The commanders of Gen7 are about to discover that everything is not as it seems, and the fate of the human species will hang on the choices they make.
In the tradition of the award-winning Dead of Winter, Gen7: A Crossroads Game is a grand narrative game with multiple possibilities. The choices players make as they play will alter the direction of the story. Gen7 will constantly challenge its players with a variety of unique situations that force them to make difficult moral decisions. Will you compromise your integrity to ensure the safety of your crew? Will you value their lives over the safety of the mission?
• Designer Scott Almes and publisher Gamelyn Games have sprung the latest title in an increasingly large series of small games: Tiny Epic Mechs. The previous entry in this series, Tiny Epic Zombies, will be available for purchase at Gen Con 2018, with this new design available for a look-see ahead of a Kickstarter campaign in September 2018 and release of the game in 2019. To find out what's going on in the game, though, you need to first jump ahead a thousand years:
Tiny Epic Mechs is an arena-style player-vs-player action-programming game. It features ITEMeeples with plastic molded power armors and a Mech suit that the ITEMeeples actually go inside of.
In the game, players take on the roles of highly skilled and athletic Mech pilots. They compete in a free-for-all battle royale over the span of six rounds. In each round, players select four of eight available actions to program. These actions keep you moving around the arena while allowing you to deploy high-scoring defensive turrets, plant explosive land mines with hidden values, collect resources, purchase weaponry, and power up into your Power Armor or eventually the highly-sought-after Mech Suit. While each player has their own Power Armor, there is only one Mech Suit, reserved for the king of the hill.
Your programmed actions are played out one at a time around the table until all players have executed their four actions. When you cross paths with another player, combat ensues. During combat, players exchange fire until one player is out of ammo and must retreat, or they are defeated and forced to reset.
Combat is fast, and you can use each weapon only one time per fight, so the more weapons you have, the longer you'll last. Weapons are categorized into three types, and each type counters one of the other types. If you time your weapons correctly, you can counter your opponent and unleash a more powerful attack and gain an edge over them. Dealing a lot of damage to your opponent will wow the audience and earn you lots of points, which brings you closer to victory. You also score victory points every other round based on area control and who controls the Mech. At the end of the game, you also earn points for each weapon you own.
BGG had recorded an overview of Patchwork Express at Spielwarenmesse 2018, with this design being a modified version of Patchwork with larger pieces for players both younger and older than the audience of the original game.
Farmers of the Moor is a revised version of the 2009 expansion of the same name for use with the revised version of Agricola that was released in 2016. The basic description of the expansion sounds the same as the original — clear peat and woods from your fields, heat your house to avoid getting ill, collect horses in addition to other animals — and I'm not sure at this time exactly how it differs from the original. Ideally I can buzz the Lookout booth in the next few days to get answers.
• Blue Orange Games has landed a companion to the giant-sized version of Kingdomino that it offered in the wake of that game winning the Spiel des Jahres award in 2017, namely a giant-sized version of Queendomino. The box doesn't look that much larger than the original game, but the pieces look twice as tall or long, so perhaps the box is way deeper than it appears.
Surprise! You asked for a giant version of Queendomino, and we answered! We have a very limited amount to sell at @Gen_Con, so ask your local store to order them! And don’t forget to use your coupon for a chance to win the Giant Royal Wedding Raffle! #queendomino #gencon2018 pic.twitter.com/Onvgb70P3a
— Blue Orange Games (@BlueOrangeGames) July 31, 2018