A game consists of two stages. In the first stage, players draw or play cards to prepare their hand of cards for the second stage. On a turn, a player takes one of three actions:
-----• Play one or more matching cards on the Cemetery equal to or higher than the cards played previously, then refill your hand to four cards by drawing from the Crypt (deck).
-----• Take all the cards from the Cemetery into your hand; any card can be played on an empty Cemetery.
-----• Draw one card from the Crypt and try to play it, taking all the cards from the Cemetery into your hand if the play isn't valid.
Once the Crypt is empty, the second stage begins and players take turns either playing valid cards into the Cemetery or taking all cards from the Cemetery into their hand. If a player plays two or three matching ghosts, he takes another turn immediately; if he plays four cards that match (or plays cards that complete a quartet), those cards and the Cemetery are removed from play, then he takes another turn. If a player's hand is empty, he draws the top card from his mansion, playing it if valid and taking all the Cemetery cards into his hand if not. If a player empties his hand and mansion, he's out and the others keep playing. Play continues until only one player has cards in hand; this player loses the game and everyone else wins.
Ghooost! includes a scoring system that allows for multiple rounds.
In addition, Village Inn includes all necessary components for a fifth player.
• Italian publisher Ares Games has announced that it will produce another 500 copies of the limited edition of Lords of Middle-earth, the contents of which were covered in this BGGN post. Why? Christoph Cianci, CEO of Ares Games, explains in the press release: "The pre-order was over so fast that many of our customers did not even realized it was opened. Moreover, together with our distributor, Heidelberger, we realized we had to offer an opportunity to get a German version of this expansion to the owners of the German version of the War of the Ring Collector's Edition. For these two reasons, we decided that extending the print run to a total of 1000 copies was the right thing to do. The print run remains limited, but we will give a second, and last, opportunity to those people who missed the first chance to get a copy of this unique item." Three hundred more English-language copies will be available for preorder on January 14, 2013, while Heidelberger Spieleverlag will announce distribution plans for the 200 German-language copies sometime in the future.
• French gaming site Tric Trac has posted news of the first expansion – naturally the first, as with Village above – of Régis Bonnessée's Seasons. Seasons: Enchanted Kingdoms includes two copies each of 20 new power cards, 10 enchantment cards, 12 special ability tokens that fit into the hole on a player board – so that wasn't just kooky graphic design, but rather foreshadowing! – and additional other material. Seasons: Enchanted Kingdoms is due out June 2013.
• French publisher Ludonaute has posted the rules for The Little Prince: Make Me a Planet from designers Bruno Cathala and Antoine Bauza on its website, with the rules being available in eleven languages.