• Following on the heels of the Nürnberg and NY toy fairs comes Festival International des Jeux in Cannes, which is to my knowledge the largest open game fair in France. The event takes place on March 1-3, 2013, and while BGG won't be on hand to record events and preview new and forthcoming games – maybe next year! – I have been scrounging through websites looking for info on games that will be at Cannes and on game store shelves later in 2013. Designer Bruno Faidutti, for example, has blogged that he'll "probably spend most of my time at the Repos Production booth demoing Mascarade", a game which doesn't yet have a database entry but for which the BGG crew recorded a preview while in Nürnberg. What foresight we had!
As for The Big Movie, in a French-language interview on Toys Don't Cry, Faidutti explains that the game was inspired by James Ernest's The Big Idea, with players being constrained by cards in play and freed by their imagination to create screenplays. While the game was originally titled La Soirée des Oscars – roughly, Night at the Oscars – once Funforge signed on as publisher, the title understandably changed to The Big Movie in order to be paired with Funforge's 2011 overhaul and rerelease of The Big Idea.
And Faidutti ends his blog post with this promise of future delights:
This cooperative game can be played with from one to five players, with each player being one of the crew members on that doomed voyage across the North Atlantic. You must all use the lifeboat capacity and your time as well as you can to save the most passengers possible. French publisher Ludonaute plans to release the game in September 2013 (and shows off sample illustrations on its website), but teams of four players can compete against one another at Cannes, with the highest-scoring team taking home an autographed copy of the prototype.
• French publisher Ystari Games will be showing off Robert K. Gabhart's Arctic Scavengers ahead of the game's anticipated March 2013 release in France. (Rio Grande Games, lead publisher of this edition of the game, noted on Facebook on Feb. 19, 2013 that it "expect[s] to start shipping Arctic Scavengers to distributors in about two weeks".
• Ystari Games will also have a prototype of William Attia's Spyrium on hand in Cannes, so expect to hear more about that game as soon as people can make their way to a computer from the game table.
• Finally (for now), Funforge will be showing two other prototype games, one of those being The Phantom Society by designers Hervé Marly and Frédéric Colombier with artwork by Naïade and Vincent Dutrait. The gist of the game, as best as I can determine, is that four tax inspectors who were staying as guests in a Scottish hotel turned up dead – apparently from a suicide pact – the morning before they were going to deliver a tax adjustment of £45,000 against the hotel. Some coincidence, hmm? Now these inspectors return to the hotel annually as ghosts in order to ransack the hotel to the tune of £45,000. The hotel, however, has hired a team of ghost hunters to neutralize these spirits and prevent them from causing damage. Whether the players are the ghosts, the ghost hunters, or some combination of both is unclear to me at this time, but I'm looking forward to learning more about this oddball.
Funforge will also show off a Ludovic Maublanc title called Hop Là, illustrated by Marie Cardouat, in which players want to ride balloons high into the sky, hopping through the air to catch as many clouds as possible while avoiding traps set by opponents. (I ran into Marie and Funforge's Philippe Nouhra at NY Toy Fair, but didn't ask him about demoing games as I was headed to an appointment. My loss, and yours too, alas...)