• Mayfair Games has announced a Q3 2011 release date for Steam: Map Expansion #1 (previously dubbed "Triple Play"), with the expansion retailing for $24.
• Stronghold Games has announced a deck-building game from Andrew Parks called Core Worlds that will likely hit retail in Nov./Dec. 2011, with the game being available via preorder earlier. Head to the game page linked to in the previous sentence for a long description of the game.
• In other deck-building game news, and there seems to be no end to such announcements these days, StarTrek.com has announced that among other products coming out bearing the ST brand – 25th Anniversary Pez collector's set anyone? – deck-building games for both the original series and Next Generation will be released by Bandai in North America.
• Portal is releasing a Polish-language version of The Resistance in June 2011 and this version will include a few small changes in addition to a couple of new cards. I'm waiting for details on what those cards are and whether they will be available outside of this edition.
• A new version of Serenissima is in the works from Ystari Games, with the game most likely being released in 2011, according to Frederic Mariusse, who summed up the expected changes to the game in this BGG post. Tric Trac's Monsieur Phal posted a shot of designer Dominique Ehrhard and Ystari's Cyril Demaegd contemplating a Mediterranean-ish game board.
• Fantasy Flight Games has posted a second preview for Deadwood, due out July 2011.
• In February 2011, I posted a 2011 release schedule for Asmodee and while the schedule focused on when titles would be available in North America, it still gave a good idea of what's coming from the publisher no matter where you might be located. To follow-up on that post, here are new titles on the release list:
April 2011
• Skull & Roses – yes, April is in the past, but in case you missed seeing the game on shelves, now you know it's out there.
May 2011
• Double Agent – this title and the next two are two-player games from Matagot
• Expédition Altiplano
• Jungle
June 2011
• Gosu: Kamakor – previously listed as May 2011
August 2011
• Cyclades expansion – also previously listed as May 2011
September 2011
• Jungle Speed Electronic – I'd like to think that the totem will be electrified to add more juice to this game, but I don't think that's the case.