Who will become the richest merchant or messenger in the France of the 15th century? Who will cover all the streets along the Loire Valley? Who will build the richest palace, the more prosperous abbey? Who will have at his service the mightier personalities?
La Loire is a wonderful challenge for one – yes! face yourself! – to four players, a passionate struggle of resource management!
As mentioned above, each player has a one-card hand. On a turn, you draw a card and play one, using the power of the played card (usually) to take an action against someone, often with the hope of removing that person from competition. Doing so, however, typically exposes you to blowback from other players, especially if you swap hands with someone as with so little information in the game, every bit is precious!
That said, removing one card from the deck before the round starts is key to the game since you don't want perfect information in play. You need to take chances with bluffs in order to have a chance of ending up with the highest card in hand at the end of the round.
Each round of the game lasts a couple of minutes, and the first player to win a certain number of rounds wins the game. AEG's Ed Bolme taught Love Letter to me and fellow BGG admins Scott Reed and Chad Krizan at Gen Con 2012, and we played a couple of rounds around a garbage can while BSing about various things. The next day, Bolme caught me and Reed walking across the convention hall for an interview with someone, and we played a round of the game while walking past all the booths. Few games meet that standard of portability – plus the design is incredibly clever. A tiny masterpiece...