-----• Extraction: Mines and certain buildings produce resources, with some buildings affecting how many resources something produces.
-----• Order of Play: Players bid for turn order; as players drop from the bidding, they place their marker in line relative to those who have previously dropped out, so whoever stays in the longest can get the position he wants.
-----• Buying and Constructing: In turn order, players buy at most one available building and construct two warehouses; alternatively, a player can pay to remove a building in order to make space for new buildings next round.
-----• Management: Players can build mines, add miners to their workforce, construct purchased buildings, buy and sell resources, and construct new towns.
-----• Administration: Players pay for buildings in reserve and check their resource limits; resource costs are adjusted based on past sales.
-----• Speculation: In turn order, players pay to adjust the prices of various resources, with each price marker being adjustable only once.
-----• End of Game Check: If one of a player's towns or warehouses has been filled, the game ends. Players then score points for their towns, mines, buildings, and so on, and the player with the most points wins.
In addition to this "Geek" version of the rules, Shafausa includes a "Colonial" version in which players draft start-up tiles (instead of starting with pre-determined characters who come with specific buildings, funds, etc.) and a "Family" version that removes the "Speculation" phase, simplifies turn order, and otherwise makes the game less involved.
• Alliance Game Distributors, one of the two nationwide game distributors in the U.S., holds open house events for retailers a couple of times each year, typically with publisher representatives showing off new and upcoming titles to encourage retailers to order said titles for their stores. As part of this marketing effort, retailers who attend these events often receive free games or other swag from publishers. In the online version of its Game Trade Magazine, Alliance has posted a list of giveaways for its upcoming open house, and one of these giveaways caught my news eye. (My regular non-news eye just ignored the listing.) The item in question? "A New Unannounced Game from Days of Wonder".
• In addition to The Ladies of Troyes, Belgian publisher Pearl Games has another title that it plans to debut at Spiel 2012 in October: Ginkgopolis from Xavier Georges. A short description of what's going on in the game:
The city tiles come in three colors: yellow, which provides victory points; red, which provides resources; and blue, which provides new new city tiles. Some tiles start in play, and they're surrounded by letter markers that show where new tiles can be placed.
On a turn, each player chooses a card from his hand simultaneously. Players reveal these cards, adding new tiles to the border of the city in the appropriate location or placing tiles on top of existing tiles. Each card that you play goes to your left-hand neighbor, so keep in mind how your play might set up theirs!
When you add a new tile to the city, you take a "power" card of the same color, and these cards provide you additional abilities during the game, allowing you to scale up your building and point-scoring efforts.
• With lots of new game items pointing to the annual Spiel game convention in Essen, Germany as a debut date, I thought I'd post a reminder about the Spiel 2012 Preview, BGG's awesome and ever-growing list of games that will debut or be newly available at the convention. Less than three months before the show opens, and the list will grow much, much longer during that time. Subscribe to the list to keep up-to-date as to what will be available in Essen.