Before starting the game, players choose a scenario card that details the number of rooms in the maze and the number of characters and objects each player uses. With the scenario cards, players can learn the game progressively, starting with the easiest scenario – which uses 2x2 rooms and starts each player with two characters and two objects – and moving into more difficult scenarios from there.
• North American publisher Mercury Games has announced the next title on its release schedule: Thiago Boaventura's The Capitals. Here's an overview of the setting and gameplay:
The Capitals is a city-building game unlike any other, featuring new and creative game mechanisms. Cities take many years to build, and The Capitals requires players to plan ahead to create their vision. Playing over three eras, from Victorian to Modern Day, players are challenged to build a capital city that can compete with the world's best but also stand the test of time. With over one hundred unique buildings to construct, no two cities will ever be identical.
What story will your city tell?
• While much attention has been directed at David Ausloos' Dark Darker Darkest, the Belgian designer has a second release coming in 2013: Rogue Agent from Dutch publisher White Goblin Games. Here's a good summary of the game:
Each round consists of an action phase, preceded by an upkeep phase. During this action phase, players score power by successfully eliminating assassins, turning in crime bosses, and defusing high-tech bombs that threaten to destroy whole districts. Through investigation of city areas, players gather resources that will be vital for survival. Positioning collaborators in the different locations of the city aids agents in overcoming confrontations with local thugs. Meanwhile, the city police squad is hot on your trail, hoping to contain the illegal side jobs that agents are known for. The Agency, however, has its own air defenses it can call in for support.
Players can scout locations in search for valuable resources that will help them upgrade their abilities, to get more control over the challenges in the game. As the game develops agents can upgrade their vehicle, weapon and scout abilities as well as gather information about the true identities of other agents. There might be traitors within the Agency. Some of you might be android agents, secretly planning a revolt. Through careful investigation, players can gather intelligence about the true identity of other players. As the game progresses, traitors amongst the agents could be revealed in the form of Androids. These agents have access to new victory conditions – destroying key locations holding information about android production and eliminating human agents – in a deadly race for control of the city. The first player to reach eight power wins.
Rogue Agent is a fast-playing, easy-to-learn adventure/resource management/risk-management game using fun streamlined icon-driven dice mechanics and a living city system that creates a dynamic board with characters and challenges in constant motion, creating unique situations with each play.
The player who earns the most prestige points through producing exhibitions and managing his budget best wins the game.
Artifact is a rich gaming experience that provides players with many options to think about. In order to make it easier to learn the game, the rules have been separated into the Base Game, followed by rules for the two expansions that, when added, make up the Complete Game. The game can be played and enjoyed as the base game or by including any one of the expansions, but the complete game is highly recommended for experienced players.
In the game Packet Row, each player represents a trading company that's trying to make as much profit as possible on the trans-Atlantic trade. However, having a lot of cash is not enough to win this game. You must spend your money for the benefit of the city at the right time to gain as many victory points as possible.
Other titles from White Goblin Games include Völuspá: Order of the Gods (which includes four types of tiles to be added to the base game, Invaders (about which nothing is known at this time), various Revolver expansions (1.3, 1.4 and 1.5), and promo items for many of the games already mentioned. WGG notes that preorder discount packs for multiple games will be available on its website in limited numbers, and the first edition of Rogue Agent – whether it comes from WGG or its North American partner Stronghold Games – will include "ten extra bonus cards that will never be reprinted". This will, of course, drive some people crazy, but that's "crazy excited" for some and "crazy mad" for others. More details on the various items in the WGG line-up once I'm at home again. Way too much traveling right now...