• On October 5, 2016, Modiphius Entertainment announced a deal with Fantasy Flight Games for the "global publishing, retail distribution, localization, and translation of the Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel miniatures board game", which ended up collecting $600,000 in support in a Kickstarter funding project that ended on October 8.
In a press release about the announcement, Modiphius and publishing partner Cabinet Entertainment note that this deal will allow them to focus on design and development, while leaving everything else in FFG's hands. (The press release also notes that the campaign had collected $280k at that point, which means that more than half the KS funds came in the final three days of the campaign. Amazing.)
• In early 2017, Cryptozoic Entertainment will release a new edition of Sean McDonald's Train Heist, which was previously released by McDonald's own Tower Guard Games in 2015. In this design, which can be played cooperatively or competitively, players try to rob a train of as many loot and cargo as possible. Not because they're greedy thieves, mind you, but because they're trying to spread the wealth with the poor townsfolk amongst whom they live.
• Kota Nakayama's Hanamikoji — which I raved about in this SPIEL 2016 preview video — will be released in the U.S. by Quick Simple Fun Games before the end of 2016.
Also due out in Q4 2016 from QSFG is Robert Burke's Moons, a trick-taking game in which players play moon cards in the hope of collect sets of planet tokens, and Kelly North Adams' Veggie Garden, with players trying to grow the most vegetables in the shortest amount of time.
• Mayday Games has picked up two titles for release in the U.S., with one of those being the self-published Gaijin Dash! from Antoine Bauza and Corentin Lebrat that appeared only in a 500-copy edition at Tokyo Game Market in May 2016. (I recorded an overview of this real-time game of quick reactions following that show.) Gaijin Dash! will receive new art and be released in early 2017.
The other title coming from Mayday Games, this one in mid-2017, is Stefan Dorra's Bucket King 3D, a new version of Dorra's The Bucket King that first appeared in 2014 from Hong Kong publisher Jolly Thinkers before latter appearing in the Netherlands and Germany. Bucket King 3D is a rolling trick game in which you set up a vertical pyramid of colored buckets before the start of play; any time that you can't play onto a trick (or choose not to), you must remove a bucket from your pyramid that matches the color of the trick, possibly causing other buckets to topple in the process. Hey, I recorded an overview video for this game, too! So many videos!