Formula E is a game in which 3 to 6 players race their elephant pawns through an Indian village, over treacherous mountains, and across parched deserts seeking to be the first one to complete the course.
The primary game mechanism in Formula E is hand management as players use their hand of cards to advance their elephants through the course. Elephants move in a unique manner – they push elephants in front of them until those elephants hit an obstacle, then the active elephant pushes sideways until a path is clear for it to move forward again. Certain move-adjusting cards and tactical-screwage cards can be played to trigger events like diagonal movement, obstacle movement, and nasty little screw-your-opponents effects. Elephant racing is not, necessarily, a sport of honor!
• Designer Tim Fowers, who self-published a 500-copy edition of Wok Star in 2010, has announced on BGG that he's no longer under contract with Z-Man Games – which had announced a new edition of the game in early 2011 – and will be signing with a new publisher with a Kickstarter project forthcoming. Wok Star is a cooperative game in which players try to serve customers quickly at a Chinese restaurant; fail to beat the timer, and the customers eat for free! In the same note Fowers writes, "I have spent time improving Wok Star – the game plays faster (4 rounds) but still has the strategy and teamwork. Thanks for all your support and interest in my game."
• In its December 2012 newsletter, Eagle Games and Gryphon Games mentioned two projects upcoming in 2013, one of them being a new edition of Das Amulett titled Wizard's Brew, from designers Alan R. Moon and Aaron Weissblum, the English-language edition of which Face2Face Games had announced back in 2004. While Face2Face worked with the designers to develop additional spell cards and paid for artwork for all the cards, it never brought the game to print. Looks like Gryphon Games will finally make it happen in 2013, but we'll see whether the spells will resolve this time. Here's a summary of the gameplay:
• The other title on the Eagle/Gryphon calendar is Triassic Terror from Peter Hawes for players aged 14+ with a playing time of 90-120 minutes. Here's the game description included in the newsletter:
• Ares Games has announced a new title from War of the Ring designers Roberto Di Meglio, Marco Maggi and Francesco Nepitello, one that builds on that earlier game in a new way. Here's an overview of The Battle of the Five Armies, due out
The Battle of the Five Armies features a game board representing the Eastern and Southern spurs of the Lonely Mountain and the valley they encircle, and a number of plastic figures representing troops, heroes and monsters.
The Battle of the Five Armies is a standalone game based on the rules for War of the Ring, which is from the same designers, but with the rules modified to function on a tactical level as they describe a smaller battle rather than the entire war. Ares Games plans to expand the Battles game system in the future, releasing expansions depicting other battles from the Third Age of Middle-earth narrated in The Lord of the Rings, such as the Siege of Gondor and the assault of Saruman against Rohan.