The great unknown lies before you; with every turn is a new adventure as your ships explore new space systems, encounter new life forms and new civilizations, make wondrous discoveries, and face challenging obstacles, all drawn from the vast fifty year history of Star Trek. Will you brave the hazards of Rura Penthe to harvest vital resources, race to develop Sherman's Planet before your rivals stake their claim, or explore they mysteries of the Mutara Nebula on an ever-growing, adaptive map of the galaxy. With an infinite combination of planets and interstellar phenomena, no two games of Star Trek: Ascendancy will ever play the same!
• In mid-March 2016, I posted an overview of Imperial Settlers: 3 Is a Magic Number — the next mini-expansion for Ignacy Trzewiczek's Imperial Settlers, which includes new cards for all five factions — and now Portal Games has announced a May 25, 2016 worldwide release date for this $16 item.
• In a press release announcing a new demo program for brick-and-mortar game stores, Stronghold Games teased three additional releases forthcoming in 2016, one with the unhelpful name "To be announced" while the other two are Kraftwagen: V6 Edition and The Fog of War. Asked for details, Stronghold's Stephen Buonocore promised information sometime later in April 2016.
• In its Kickstarter for Pyramid Arcade, Looney Labs notes that if the KS reaches $100,000 in support, it will start work on "a follow-up project called Zendo Arcade for 2017". Kory Heath's Zendo is not included in Pyramid Arcade as that game requires many full stashes of pyramids in a narrow range of colors in order to work well. From the project description: "This number covers the total cost of development and printing of the first 5,000 Pyramid Arcade sets. Bringing in this amount both ensures that we have the cash available to immediately start working on Zendo Arcade and convinces us that there is enough market interest to go forward with this project."