• At Gen Con 2012, U.S. publisher Fantasy Flight Games announced that it would release an English-language edition of Michael Menzel's Legends of Andor, and with that announcement from FFG comes a slightly more detailed description of the game play:
At the heart of Legends of Andor is its unique narrative, the linked scenarios of which tell an overarching story as the players successfully complete objectives. For each scenario, or "Legend", a legend deck conveys the plot of an ever-unfolding tale...one in which the players are the protagonists. A wooden marker moves along the board's legend track at key points during each scenario, triggering the draw of a new legend card, the introduction of new game-altering effects, and the advancement of the story's plot. In the end, the players must endeavor to guide the fate of Andor through their heroic actions, bringing a happy ending to their epic fantasy tale.
Will their heroes roam the land completing quests in the name of glory, or devote themselves to the defense of the realm? Uncover epic tales of glory as you live the Legends of Andor!
-----– Chez Guild, which blends the characters from the web series The Guild with the Chez Geek series of card games, with characters trying to collect slack while annoying their roommates and keeping them from achieving their goals.
-----– Munchkin Apocalypse: Mars Attacks!, which uses art from the original 1962 Mars Attacks! trading card series in a 15-card booster for Munchkin Apocalypse (or any Munchkin core game).
-----– Munchkin Pathfinder, which includes 168 cards, uses the setting of the Pathfinder role-playing game from Paizo Publishing, and can be played as a standalone game or combined with any other core Munchkin game.