Christian Lemay's The Legend of the Wendigo, co-published by his own Masked Scorpion, is a Werewolf-style game aimed at younger players who must discover who has been possessed by the Wendigo's spirit before all the scouts have been dragged away from the campfire into the woods, never to be seen again.
Rob Daviau's Mountains of Madness is "a fully cooperative game with a pinch of real-time gameplay" with art by Miguel Coimbra that's due out at SPIEL 2017 in October.
• Space Cowboys has posted a pic on Facebook showing off a Splendor expansion being playtested. Can't see anything at first glance? Notice that each player has a set of five cards that are slightly smaller than the normal development cards, with each of these cards showing either text or one or two gems. I know nothing else about this expansion at the moment, but I'll be headed to Nürnberg in February 2017 to look for updates on this item, the games listed above, and much more.
• Math Fluxx is coming in March 2017 from Looney Labs, according to Kristin Looney, with Chemistry Fluxx and a new edition of Zendo both in playtesting. For those who want a peek at Zendo 2.0, here's a preview video that Looney Labs shot in August 2016 at LooneyCon and that escaped my notice until now:
• HUCH! & friends, which started reprinting Kris Burm's GIPF Project series of games in early 2016, is running a Facebook contest of sorts in which people are challenged to guess, letter by letter, the name of the seventh title in this series, with this game debuting in Q2 2017. The first letter is "L", and a clue to the second letter is live now. To "assist" with your deductions, Burm posted the following picture on FB, noting that this is "an early version of a new game" from 2012. Can't wait!